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Covid 19 Fumigation Services

Covid 19 Fumigation,  Disinfection and  Decontamination Services

  • Covid-19 (Corona virus) is a very contagious viral disease, that is widely spreading across the United Kingdon population. The only known way to stop it, is to make sure it is not allowed to live, incubate, spread,  hibernate, reproduce, exist and infect our environments and  the wider population.

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Effective Covid 19 Fumigation Service

Corona virus or covid-19 is widely spreading across the world though viral mode of spread. While putting on mask is a good way to prevent this disease to oneself, it is not a total solution to combat the pandemic in a population. One can do all right things to protect against the disease, but while using communal places, you can be sure that other members of public wont be as much concerned as you are. It is therefore very essential to make sure all possible covid-19 contact points are identified, neutralised, disinfected and decontaminated to ensure covid 19 is no longer present.

Prevalent Covid-19 Contact Points
As we are in the United Kingdom, it is expected that every one use UK covid-19 precautions rules, such as wearing protective masks while in public places and sanitize after using public transport and amenities. Most common places that covid-19 is believed to be most active are in some but not all; social care, hospitals, collages, schools, universities, social care industry, offices, retail outlets, hotels almost all public places.

It is worth understanding that covid-19 is a virus disease, just like any virus diseases the mode of existence, spread, decontamination, mitigation and infection is similar to other viral despises. Virus can only exist when there is a host or conditions that supports its survival existence .

Why fumigation can be a best solution?

While other covid-19 (corona virus) protection and sanitisation measures are good, when it comes to public places, where one’s individual corona prevention measures is not sufficient enough to guarantee the mass covid-19 contamination prevention, or even wiping of assumed known probable corona virus contact places is not enough, fumigation can be the answer.

Just thinking wiping away usual suspects places can eliminate and curb the spread of this pandemic, is just a mere dream, when it comes co communal places such as, all mentioned above, fumigation can help touch places that normal human cleaning and disinfection activities may not reach.

Do you have a business or service that require meticulous covi-19 (coronavirus) protection, prevention, mitigation and eradication services?. Then with our highly trained fumigation level operatives, you can rest assure with Southgateglobal, we can have you covered.

• Health care facilities
• Eateries premises
• Business Premises
• Office and reception areas
• Education Premises
• Shared property
• Schools and Colleges
• School decontamination cleaning
• Nursing home sterile cleaning
• Gym decontamination
• Medical premises sanitisation
• Residential properties

Health Care

Education Premises

Business Premises

Public Transports

Hotels & Restaurants


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